Permanent Alimony

Permanent Alimony is payment from one spouse to another for things to help the dependent spouse survive such as, housing and food. Permanent spousal support is carefully determined by the court based on numerous factors. Because the court has great discretion in determining alimony, it is wise to contact an attorney at the California Family Law Attorney Group who will develop a detailed case for your alimony. The factors the court uses when considering permanent alimony include:

  • The extent of need of the dependent spouse
  • The extent to which the earning capacity of each party is sufficient to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage
  • Employment prospects, the support needed to acquire appropriate skills for employment such an education or training, for the supported spouse.
  • The ability of the supporter spouse to pay alimony, which is usually based off of assets, earned and unearned income, and their standard of living.
  • The needs of each party based on the standard of living established during the marriage
  • The duration of the marriage
  • Health and age of spouses.

Before a spouse can be awarded permanent support, he/she must prove that they are in need of it. Once permanent support is awarded, the independent spouse must make payments indefinitely, or until a change of circumstances occurs such as the death of either party or the remarriage of the dependent spouse. If you wish to find out more about permanent alimony, contact an attorney at the California Family Law Attorney Group right away.