Restraining Order and Violation Defense

An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties agree to the terms of divorce prior to filing. There are many advantages to an uncontested divorce such as low costs, avoidance of litigation and court appearances. In these tough economic times, a less expensive alternative to the traditionally costly divorce process can work for many spouses. Call the California Family Law Attorney Group to find out if an uncontested divorce fits your divorce situation. In addition, an uncontested divorce is a much simpler and faster process. The key to an uncontested divorce is that both parties must work together to arrive at an agreeable settlement. This means that both spouses must meet with each other and come to an agreement regarding child support, spousal support, child visitation, attorney fees, division of debt and division of properties.

Even though you and your spouse are amicable, it is still important to consult an attorney at the California Family Law Attorney Group. It is in your best interest to consult a legal professional to successfully settle a divorce. Each party must have their own attorney to represent them. If say your wife has an attorney, you should also hire legal assistance to protect your rights. A California Family Law Attorney Group attorney will be there by your side during mediation meetings to represent your interests. We will clarify all processes including child custody and alimony and prepare all legal documents to finalize the divorce. You do not have to endure this process alone. Your divorce can be simple, smooth and stress-free. Contact an attorney at the California Family Law Attorney Group today to get started on your uncontested divorce.